House Rules

1. Members may bring guests into canteen three (3) times, after which an eligible guest is expected to make application for membership in the AMVETS FAMILY. A member MUST sign all guests into the guest book. Guests MUST leave canteen when member who signed them in leaves OR another member MUST sign them in. Any member who signs in the guest(s) assumes all responsibility for them and their actions. Any responsible member of Amvets-SOA-AUX-MUST purchase all alcoholic beverages from the canteen. ATF statutes state that a member from another post is a GUEST and MUST be signed in.

2. Only members in good standing and of legal drinking age may purchase alcoholic beverages. Violation of this rule will be handled under Article X of Post Bylaws.

3. DRESS CODE: at No time will a member be admitted without proper attire, at discretion of an elected post officer or bartender. This includes no tank tops or cutoff sleeves at evening mealtime on Friday, Saturday, holidays, or special events. Females are excluded from the no sleeves rule.

4. Gentlemanly and ladylike conduct is required of ALL members and their guests at ALL times. Loud or excessive profanity, swearing, vulgar language, or fighting WILL NOT be tolerated on these premises at any time. Any person(s) who instigates, incites, intimidates, or harasses another person(s) to the point that they violate this house rule, if proven by facts, will be considered just as guilty as the person(s) who actually violated this rule and WILL receive the same punishment as the violating person(s).

5. NO person in a state of intoxication will be served any alcoholic beverages. The BARTENDER is in charge at ALL TIMES. If any member is asked to leave or denied service, they MUST leave the Post and surrounding property immediately. BARTENDERS decision is final.

6. EVERY member MUST present their membership card or receipt of dues paid upon demand of the bartender, officer, or person so designated by the Board of Trustees.

7. Any member whose check is returned from a bank for insufficient funds WILL BE REQUIRED to come before the Trustees and redeem the check and ALSO pay an additional fee of $40 for each returned check. Refusal to redeem a check and/or pay the additional service charge WILL BE considered “Conduct Unbecoming” and will be handled according to Article X of the Post Bylaws. Continued abuse could result in revocation of check cashing privileges by the Trustees. Out of state checks and second party checks WILL NOT be cashed. Members WILL BE limited to cashing $50 in checks per account daily. The bartender has the right not to cash a check due to low funds in the canteen.

8. Children in the Post MUST BE under the supervision and control of their parents or responsible adult at ALL times. They MAY NOT play any games. Children under the age of 14 must leave the canteen by 7PM.

9. Any adverse or derogatory discussion at the BAR, or in Social Rooms of the Post, concerning employees or a member of the Post, WILL BE deemed a violation of the House Rules and handled according to Article X of the Post Bylaws.

10. No firearms are permitted in the building at any time, unless worn by an Honor Guard on duty or someone who is law enforcement on duty.

11. The jukebox WILL NOT be allowed to be played during any function requiring a quiet canteen, as directed by the Trustees. No machines will be allowed to be played in the post while any type of meeting or function is being conducted.

12. No solicitation for money or products is allowed in the canteen without first securing permission of the Trustees. Solicitation without permission WILL BE handled under Article X of the Post Bylaws.

13. This is a smoking facility with the exception of the Armed Forces Room.

14. Hours of operation are from 9:00 AM until closing as determined by the number of people at the bar. A minimum of four (4) people are needed to stay open.

15. Only sports, education, or history will be on the main TV. Sound will be off if members want to hear music from the jukebox. Other shows may be put on a side TV. The bartender will have the final say on what show is put on the main TV as long as it follows these guidelines.

16. The jukebox will be the source of music in the canteen when entertainment is not there.

17. There will be no discussion of post business at the bar at any time by any entity of the Amvets. Post discussion will be talked about away from the bar and not in a group discussion. The Amvets entities include, but not limited to, Amvets, SOA, Auxiliary, Riders, Sad Sacks, and Honor Guard.

These Canteen house rules were voted on and approved by membership at the annual membership meeting on __8 SEP 2020___________________.